Kirby comes with a set of icons that you can use in blueprints and extensions. They are based on the Remix Icon set.
- account
- add
- alert
- anchor
- angle-down
- angle-dropdown
- angle-left
- angle-right
- angle-up
- archive
- attachment
- audio
- badge
- bars
- bell
- blank
- bold
- bolt
- book
- bookmark
- box
- brush
- bug
- calendar
- cancel
- cancel-small
- car
- cart
- chart
- chat
- check
- checklist
- circle
- circle-filled
- circle-half
- circle-nested
- clear
- clock
- code
- cog
- collapse
- copy
- credit-card
- crop
- dashboard
- discord
- discount
- display
- divider
- document
- dots
- download
- draft
- edit
- edit-line
- expand
- file
- file-audio
- file-code
- file-document
- file-image
- file-spreadsheet
- file-text
- file-video
- file-word
- file-zip
- filter
- flag
- folder
- folder-structure
- food
- github
- globe
- grid
- grid-bottom
- grid-bottom-left
- grid-bottom-right
- grid-full
- grid-left
- grid-right
- grid-top
- grid-top-left
- grid-top-right
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- headline
- heart
- heart-filled
- hidden
- home
- image
- images
- import
- info
- italic
- key
- lab
- layers
- list-bullet
- list-numbers
- live
- loader
- lock
- logout
- map
- markdown
- mastodon
- megaphone
- menu
- merge
- mobile
- money
- moon
- open
- order-alpha-asc
- order-alpha-desc
- order-num-asc
- order-num-desc
- page
- palette
- paragraph
- parent
- paypal
- pen
- phone
- pin
- pipette
- plane
- play
- plus
- preview
- protected
- qr-code
- question
- quote
- refresh
- remove
- search
- server
- settings
- share
- shuffle
- sitemap
- smile
- sort
- sparkling
- split
- star
- star-filled
- status-draft
- status-listed
- status-unlisted
- store
- strikethrough
- subscript
- sun
- superscript
- table
- tablet
- tag
- template
- text
- text-bottom
- text-center
- text-justify
- text-left
- text-middle
- text-right
- text-top
- ticket
- tiktok
- title
- toggle-off
- toggle-on
- translate
- trash
- underline
- undo
- unlock
- upload
- url
- user
- users
- video
- vimeo
- wand
- wheelchair
- youtube
You can add your custom icons in a plugin.