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Kirby 4.6.1

Panel UI

Our Panel is based on Vue and has its own UI component kit. You can use and extend all our components in your Panel plugins for a super fast and consistent developer experience.

When developing your own plugins for the Panel, you can build on top of a large number of components, libraries and helpers that we use ourselves to build the Panel. This will help you to achieve a consistent look and user experience. But how can you find out what exists and how to use it?

We have developed a Panel Lab where you can find documentation on all components as well as many examples how to use those. In the Lab can view how the components look, but also inspect the code used to build them.

UI docs and Panel lab

Access the Panel Lab locally

We will soon publish instructions how to enable the Lab inside the Panel of your local Kirby installation. This will allow you to have the docs right at your side when developing, but also adding your own Lab examples to prototype your plugins.