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Kirby 4.7.0

Request auth types

Request auth types are used to parse the authentication information in the Authorization header of the HTTP request. They are called by the $request->auth() method internally.

You can create your own custom auth types by extending one of the existing types or the base Auth class.

Extending an existing auth type

If your auth type shares some of its logic with an existing type, you can extend the class of that type:

class CustomTokenAuth extends Kirby\Http\Request\Auth\BearerAuth
    // implement methods here

You then have to register the new auth type with its name. For example for the Authorization: Custom-Token ... header:

Kirby\Http\Request::$authTypes['custom-token'] = CustomTokenAuth::class;

Extending the Auth class

Alternatively, you can extend the Auth class to implement a new auth type.

class DigestAuth extends Kirby\Http\Request\Auth
    // implement methods here

As before, you have to register the new auth type:

Kirby\Http\Request::$authTypes['digest'] = DigestAuth::class;