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Kirby 4.7.0

Layouts methods

Layouts methods are registered with the layoutsMethods extension.

Default layouts methods

For a full list of default layouts methods, please check out the Reference.

Be aware that you cannot override these default layouts methods with any custom layouts method.

Getting started

You can extend the set of defined layouts methods in a plugin file.

Kirby::plugin('my/plugin', [
    'layoutsMethods' => [
          'test' => function () {
              return 'layouts method';

This example shows the basic architecture of a layouts method. You define the method name with the key for the layoutsMethods extension array. $this in the callback function refers to the $layouts object.

Working with method arguments

In some cases it might be helpful to be able to pass arguments to the method:

You can define arguments for a method like this:

Kirby::plugin('my/plugin', [
    'layoutsMethods' => [
        'info' => function ($text = 'Count:') {
            return $this->toBlocks()->count() . ' ' . $text;

And then use it like this:

<?= $layouts->info('Blocks') ?>