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Kirby 4.3.0

Block models

Block models are registered with the blockModels extension.

Block models extend Kirby's default Kirby\Cms\Block object. Methods that you define in a block model are available everywhere in Kirby where you work with a block of the extended type.

Creating a custom block model

use Kirby\Cms\Block;

class HeadingBlock extends Block
    public function toHtml(): string
        return '<h1>Custom HTML for headings</h1>';

Kirby::plugin('my/blockModels', [
    'blockModels' => [
        'heading' => HeadingBlock::class

You may also load your model class from a different file. Be aware you have to add the file to the classloader manually:

class HeadingBlock extends Block
    public function toHtml(): string
        return '<h1>Custom HTML for headings</h1>';
    'HeadingBlock' => __DIR__ . '/models/heading.php'

Kirby::plugin('my/blockModels', [
    'blockModels' => [
        'heading' => HeadingBlock::class

Overwriting the default block class

You can also overwrite the default Kirby\Cms\Block model with a custom class.

use Kirby\Cms\Block;

class DefaultBlock extends Block
    public function id(): string
        return 'block-' . parent::id();

Kirby::plugin('my/blockModels', [
    'blockModels' => [
        'default' => DefaultBlock::class,