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Kirby 4.3.0

Page models

Page models are registered with the pageModels extension.

Page models extend Kirby's default Page object. Methods that you define in a page model are available everywhere in Kirby where you call a page of the extended type.

class BlogPage extends Page
    // your custom page methods

Kirby::plugin('my/pageModels', [
    'pageModels' => [
        'blog' => BlogPage::class

In a real world example, you would usually put the class in a separate file, e.g. /models/BlogPage.php in your plugin folder:


class BlogPage extends Page
    // your custom page methods

And then load it in your plugin's index.php:


    'BlogPage' => 'models/BlogPage.php',
], __DIR__);

Kirby::plugin('my/pageModels', [
    'pageModels' => [
        'blog' => BlogPage::class

For details on how to use page models, see our guide on page models.