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Kirby 4.7.0

Panel dialogs

As part of your Panel area extension, you can also define custom dialogs for the Panel as well as extend or modify the Panel's default dialogs.

Supported UI components

All reuse the same dialog components:

Component name Usage
k-error-dialog For detailed error warnings (i.e. form validation)
k-form-dialog For dialogs with form fields and submit buttons
k-remove-dialog To confirm deleting items
k-text-dialog For dialogs with a custom text message

Dialog definition

Dialogs are defined as a part of areas:

Kirby::plugin('yourname/todos', [
  'areas' => [
    'todos' => function ($kirby) {
      return [
        // ... other code for custom Panel area
        'dialogs' => [

          // the key of the dialog defines its routing pattern
          'todos/create' => [
            // dialog callback functions
            'load'   => function () {},
            'submit' => function () {}

load callback

The load function is called when the dialog is opened. It needs to return an array that specifies the UI component (see above) to be used for the dialog as well as all props that should be passed to the UI component, e.g. field definitions and values for a form dialog.

Kirby::plugin('yourname/todos', [
  'areas' => [
    'todos' => function ($kirby) {
      return [
        'dialogs' => [
          'todos/create' => [
            // the load event is creating a GET route at
            // `/panel/dialogs/{pattern}`;
            // it returns the setup for the dialog, including
            // used component, buttons, props, etc.
            'load' => function () {
              return [
                // what dialog component to use
                'component' => 'k-form-dialog',
                'props' => [
                  // field definition for the form dialog
                  'fields' => [ ... ],
                  // the prefilled model data
                  'value' => [ ... ]
            // ...

submit callback

The submit function is called once the dialog is submitted and defines the actions triggered by the event but also the response the Panel will receive.

Kirby::plugin('yourname/todos', [
  'areas' => [
    'todos' => function ($kirby) {
      return [
        'dialogs' => [
          'todos/create' => [
            // ...

            // the submit event is creating a POST route at
            // `/panel/dialogs/{pattern}`;
            // the submit button of the dialog is automatically
            // wired to fire the POST request with the form
            // data or whatever data the dialog provides
            'submit' => function () {
              // create todo
              return true;

The dialog's submit callback has multiple ways to interact with the component presented in the Panel via it's response:

return void|null|false
Returning nothing or false is interpreted as a 404. It suggests that the model could not be found.

return true
Returning true is interpreted as a success and will automatically close the dialog.

return [ ... ]
By returning an array, you gain more control of what happens when the dialog closes. You can pass data to the event, dispatch Vuex events and more.

return [
  'event' => 'todo.create',
  'data'  => [
    // some data for the event

throw new Exception
Any exception is interpreted as an error and will show the error message box in the dialog containing the exception message

You can redirect the Panel to a different location after submitting the dialog by calling:


Extending dialogs

We've seen above, how to create entirely new dialogs. But you can also replace or extend the Panel's default core dialogs:


Kirby::plugin('custom/dialog', [
  'areas' => [
    'site' => function ($kirby) {
      return [
        'dialogs' => [
          'page.changeStatus' => [
            'load' => function (string $id) {
              // custom dialog setup
            'submit' => function (string $id) {
              // custom dialog submitter action

You have multiple options to extend a core dialog: You can keep the submit handler and only replace the load setup, you can change both or you can load an entirely new custom dialog component and modify the entire look of the dialog. It's all possible.

Check out the dialog docs above to learn more about dialog setups. It also helps to look at our original source code for dialogs. You can find the dialog code in /kirby/config/areas. Check out dialog files in the site, users and files subfolders.

Reusing core functionalities

When you plan to extend a dialog, you might want to fall back to Kirby's core behaviour in some cases. This can be done by loading the core code:


Kirby::plugin('custom/dialog', [
  'areas' => [
    'site' => function ($kirby) {
      return [
        'dialogs' => [
          'page.changeStatus' => [
            'load' => function (string $id) use ($kirby) {
              $page = Find::page($id);

              if ($page->id() === 'blog') {
                // return some custom dialog setup for the blog

              return $kirby->core()->area('site')['dialogs']['page.changeStatus']['load']($id);

Core dialogs

Area Dialog name
languages language.create
languages language.delete
languages language.update
site page.changeSort
site page.changeStatus
site page.changeTemplate
site page.changeTitle
site page.create
site page.delete
site page.duplicate
site page.file.changeName
site page.file.changeSort
site page.file.delete
site site.changeTitle
site site.file.changeName
site site.file.changeSort
site site.file.delete
users user.create
users user.changeEmail
users user.changeLanguage
users user.changeName
users user.changePassword
users user.changeRole
users user.delete
users user.file.changeName
users user.file.changeSort
users user.file.delete