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Kirby 4.4.0


A simple WYSIWYG editor field for inline content with formats like bold, italic, etc.


    label: Writer
    type: writer

Field properties

Name Type Default Description
after Optional text that will be shown after the input
autofocus bool Sets the focus on this field when the form loads. Only the first field with this label gets
before Optional text that will be shown before the input
counter bool true Enables/disables the character counter in the top right corner
default Default value for the field, which will be used when a page/file/user is created
disabled bool If true, the field is no longer editable and will not be saved
headings array Available heading levels
help Optional help text below the field
icon string Optional icon that will be shown at the end of the field
inline bool false Enables inline mode, which will not wrap new lines in paragraphs and creates hard breaks instead.
label The field label can be set as string or associative array with translations
marks Sets the allowed HTML formats. Available formats: bold, italic, underline, strike, code, link, email. Activate/deactivate them all by passing true/false. Default marks are bold, italic, underline, strike, link, email
maxlength int Maximum number of allowed characters
minlength int Minimum number of required characters
nodes Sets the allowed nodes. Available nodes: paragraph, heading, bulletList, orderedList, quote. Activate/deactivate them all by passing true/false. Default nodes are paragraph, heading, bulletList, orderedList.
placeholder Optional placeholder value that will be shown when the field is empty
required bool If true, the field has to be filled in correctly to be saved.
toolbar Toolbar options, incl. marks (to narrow down which marks should have toolbar buttons), nodes (to narrow down which nodes should have toolbar dropdown entries) and inline to set the position of the toolbar (false = sticking on top of the field)
translate bool true If false, the field will be disabled in non-default languages and cannot be translated. This is only relevant in multi-language setups.
when Conditions when the field will be shown (since 3.1.0)
width string 1/1 The width of the field in the field grid. Available widths: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/3, 3/4


The writer field supports the following marks by default:

  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • strike
  • code
  • link
  • email
Since 4.0.0
  • sub
  • sup
  • clear

The special mark | can be used to separate marks in the toolbar by a vertical line.

    type: writer
    inline: true
      - bold
      - italic
      - '|'
      - strike

You can extend Kirby to include custom marks.


Apart from paragraph nodes, the writer field supports headings and lists. You can fine-tune the writer field from your blueprint by defining the available block formats (nodes).

The writer field supports the following marks by default:

  • paragraph
  • bulletList
  • orderedList
  • heading
  • horizontalRule
Since 4.0.0
  • quote

Unsupported formats will automatically be ignored when content is pasted and the toolbar will also not include the matching buttons.

    type: writer
      - heading
      - bulletList
      - orderedList

You can extend Kirby to include custom nodes.

Since 4.0.0


The toolbar option allows you to customize the writer's toolbar:

  type: writer
    - bold
    - italic
    - link
    - code
    inline: false
      - bold
      - "|"
      - link
  • inline attaches the toolbar to the top of the field (instead of the floating pill style)
  • marks and nodes control which marks and nodes are shown in the toolbar. Make sure that the ones you want to include are actually active and not excluded in the top-level marks and nodes options (see above). The top-level options define which ones are supported, the toolbar-level options what is shown as buttons in the toolbar. For example, you might want to support the code mark for pasting, but hide it from the toolbar.

Inline mode

By default, the writer field will supports multiple paragraphs (<p>). In inline mode, hitting enter will create breaks instead of creating a new paragraph.

    type: writer
    inline: true

In inline mode, all nodes (see above) are disabled.

Since 4.0.0

Heading levels

You can set the available heading levels in the writer field with the headings option:

    type: writer
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4

How to use in templates/snippets

The content of the writer field is stored as plain HTML. To render the field in your template, echo the value.

<?= $page->text() ?>