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Kirby 4.6.1


$pages->filterBy(mixed ...$args = null): Kirby\Cms\Pages


Name Type Default
... $args mixed null

Return type


This method does not modify the existing $pages object but returns a new object with the changes applied. Learn more →

Parent class

Kirby\Cms\Pages inherited from Kirby\Toolkit\Collection


// fetch children with a field 'draft', which has the value 'yes'
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('draft', 'yes');

// fetch children with a date in the past
$items = $page->children()->filter(
    fn ($child) => $child->date()->toDate() < time()

// fetch children with a date in the future
$items = $page->children()->filter(
    fn ($child) => $child->date()->toDate() > time()

// fetch any page with a project template
$items = $site->index()->filterBy('template', 'project');

// fetch any page with either an article or project template
$items = $site->index()->filterBy('template', 'in', ['article', 'project']);

// fetch children that have the tag 'development'
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('tag', 'development', ',');

// fetch children that have the tag 'development' from a tags field with separator ';'
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('tag', 'development', ';');

Available filter methods

Method Function
== all values that match exactly
!= all values that don't match
in takes an array as parameter, matches all values that are included in the array
not in takes an array as parameter, matches all values that are not included in the array
> all values that are greater than the given value
>= all values that are greater or equal the given value
< all values that are smaller than the given value
<= all values that are smaller or equal the given value
*= all values that contain the given string
!*= all values that don't contain the given string
^= all values that start with the given string
!^= all values that don't start with the given string
$= all values that end with the given string
!$= all values that don't end with the given string
* all values that match the given regular expression
!* all values that don't match the given regular expression
between or .. takes an array as parameter with two parameters; first is the min value, second is the max value
maxlength all values that have the given maximum length
minlength all values that have the given minimum length
maxwords all values that have the given maximum amount of words
minwords all values that have the given minimum amount of words
date == all date values that exactly match the given date string
date != all date values that don't match the given date string
date > all date values that are later than the given date string
date >= all date values that are later or equal the given date string
date < all date values that are earlier than the given date string
date <= all date values that are earlier or equal the given date string
date between or date .. all date values that are between the given date strings

More information

Filtering compendium