$page->go() Redirects to this page, wrapper for the go() helper kirby/src/Cms/Page.php#L428 $page->go(array $options = [ ], int $code = 302): void Parameters Name Type Default Description $options array [ ] Options for Kirby\Http\Uri to create URL parts $code int 302 HTTP status code Parent class Kirby\Cms\Page Example Redirect to another page <?php if ($page = page('blog')) { return $page->go(); } ?> Redirection within the page <?php // /site/controllers/contact.php return function ($kirby, $page) { if ($kirby->request()->is('POST')) { $sent = $kirby->email('contact', [ 'body' => 'Body', ])->isSent(); if ($sent === true) { // Will redirect to /contact?status=success#contact-form return $page->go([ 'query' => [ 'status' => 'success', ], 'fragment' => 'contact-form' ]); } else { // Will redirect to /contact?status=failed return $page->go([ 'query' => [ 'status' => 'failed', ] ]); } } }; ?>