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Password reset form

Kirby comes with a simple form to reset your password that you can also use yourself.

Our password reset feature is located on its own Panel view. Once activated, you can access the form directly at https://example.com/panel/reset-password:

You can use it to make newly registered users set their own password after logging in: Just send them the link and they will land on the form after logging in with their first temporary password. Once the new password is set, they are then redirected to the Panel home.

How to activate

By default, the password reset feature is not activated in Kirby. To activate it, you need to

  1. Configure the auth.methods config option. In this array, you need to add password-reset as method, e.g.

    return [
         'auth' => [
             'methods' => ['password', 'password-reset']
  2. The password reset method needs a working email transport configuration. Without it, verification emails cannot be sent. Find out more about how to configure your email transport.