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Kirby 4.5.0


Filters elements by one of the predefined filter methods, by a custom filter function or an array of filters

$files->filter(string|array|\Closure $field, mixed ...$args = null): Kirby\Cms\Files


Name Type Default
$field * string|array|Closure
... $args mixed null

Return type


This method does not modify the existing $files object but returns a new object with the changes applied. Learn more →

Parent class

Kirby\Cms\Files inherited from Kirby\Toolkit\Collection


// fetch files with a caption
$files = $page->files()->filter(
    fn ($file) => $file->caption() != ''

// fetch files grouped by a gallery field
$images = $page->images()->filter(
    fn ($image) => $image->gallery() == 'gallery-2'

// fetch large files
$largeFiles = $page->files()->filter(
    fn ($file) => $file->size() > (1024*1024*2)

More information

Filtering compendium