Sonja Broda
All recipes
Set up a local development environment for Kirby with DDEV in no time.
Create your first custom Panel view from scratch
How to add CSS or JS files to your templates
Fix coding style violations automatically with easy-to-implement, configurable tools
Boost your site's performance with images that adapt to all screen sizes
Lazy-loading strategies to improve your site's performance
Extend core classes like the Kirby or site classes
Leveraging Kirby's authentication features to create a user registration system
Display a nice auto-generated image when linking to PDF flyers, booklets etc.
Create blueprints programmatically with PHP
Panel area with editable list, complete with dialogs, dropdowns and search
Restrict access to a files download section to authorized users
Get started with Docker as development environment
Build Panel extensions without a build process.
Add a load more button to your listings and append items via Ajax.
Learn the basics of object oriented programming in PHP
Deliver assets and files through a CDN.
Xdebug helps you track down errors in your PHP scripts.
MailHog and similar tools make email testing a breeze
Fine-tune and go beyond Kirby's built-in permission system in the Panel
Create a custom Panel field from scratch
Use placeholders for recurring text snippets and more
Building very basic custom Panel section for a link list
Create custom menus from the Panel using different field types
Sending email with attachments from form input.
Auto-generate subpages when you create a new page
Create pages from an event registration form
Get text labels for your option values from fields
Split long post into separate pages with pagination
Learn how to filter using routes instead of parameters
Create a basic contact form that sends HTML or plain text emails.
Use Kirby's API to sort your content by all sorts of criteria.
Debug configuration and understanding error messages
Add columns to your textarea fields with this KirbyTag plugin.
Remove unused fields from content files
Auto-replace headlines with anchors and generate in-page navigation
Filter pages, files and users with Kirby's extensive filtering methods.
Classify content and make it easy for visitors to find related content.
Group pages, files, or users by various criteria.
Tie pages to a person. Create an author system for your blog posts.
Create different templates for different kinds of content.
Learn how to upload files through a frontend form.
Create a previous/next navigation for your site.
Foreach loops are control structures useful in many contexts.
Learn some PHP basics that make creating templates a breeze.
Use Kirby’s authentication system to build login-protected pages.
Use data from blueprints to control your template logic
All quicktips
Remove rounded corners
Skip media folder
Translate exception messages
Sharing templates across blueprints
Update file metadata
Keep code dry
Add blocks to blocks field programmatically
Customize Panel
Cache fine-tuning
Order of KirbyText/KirbyTags hooks
Placeholders in language strings
Add/prevent trailing slash
Reusing KirbyTags
Filter by language
Language variables
Serve page on own domain
Share buttons