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Kirby 4.7.0


Set how Kirby handles content

Content file extension

Set the extension you want to use for your content files.

Possible values: txt| md (default: txt)

return [
  'content' => [
    'extension' => 'md'

Ignore files/folders

Set an array of file/folder names that are not scanned by Kirby's core.

return [
  'content' => [
    'ignore' => []

Content locking

Deactivate the content locking mechanism used by the Panel to prevent concurrent edits to a page, file or user:

return [
  'content' => [
    'locking' => false

Salt for drafts and media files

URLs of page drafts and media files contain a hashed token that should be hard to guess. The token is based on the filesystem path of the page/file by default, but you can define your own salt that will be used instead:

return [
  'content' => [
    'salt' => '...'

You can also dynamically generate a salt based on the model that needs a token:

return [
  'content' => [
    'salt' => function ($model) {
      return '...';

UUID generation

Kirby generates a unique alpha-numerical ID for each new page and file by default.

If you prefer the standard UUID v4 format, you can configure Kirby to generate those instead:

return [
  'content' => [
    'uuid' => 'uuid-v4'

Please note that this setting only takes effect for newly generated UUIDs. Existing UUIDs stay unchanged to preserve references throughout your site.

If you don't need UUIDs in your projects, you can disable them entirely:

return [
  'content' => [
    'uuid' => false