The String class provides a set of handy methods for string handling and manipulation.
- Str::accepted()
- Str::after()
- Str::afterStart()
- Str::ascii()
- Str::before()
- Str::beforeEnd()
- Str::between()
- Str::camel()
- Str::camelToKebab()
- Str::contains()
- Str::convert()
- Str::date()
- Str::encode()
- Str::encoding()
- Str::endsWith()
- Str::esc()
- Str::excerpt()
- Str::float()
- Str::from()
- Str::increment()
- Str::kebab()
- Str::kebabToCamel()
- Str::length()
- Str::lower()
- Str::ltrim()
- Str::match()
- Str::matchAll()
- Str::matches()
- Str::pool()
- Str::position()
- Str::query()
- Str::random()
- Str::replace()
- Str::replacements()
- Str::replaceReplacements()
- Str::rtrim()
- Str::safeTemplate()
- Str::short()
- Str::similarity()
- Str::slug()
- Str::snake()
- Str::split()
- Str::startsWith()
- Str::studly()
- Str::substr()
- Str::template()
- Str::toBytes()
- Str::toType()
- Str::trim()
- Str::ucfirst()
- Str::ucwords()
- Str::unhtml()
- Str::until()
- Str::upper()
- Str::uuid()
- Str::widont()
- Str::wrap()