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Kirby 4.7.0


Add your own email provider

You integrate your own email providers (sendgrid, mailgun, mailchimp, sparkpost, etc) instead of using Kirby's default PHPMailer library.

class CustomEmailProvider extends Kirby\Email\Email
    public function send(bool $debug = false): bool
        // sending stuff
        return true;

Kirby::plugin('my/email', [
    'components' => [
        'email' => function ($kirby, $props, $debug) {
            return new CustomEmailProvider($props, $debug);

SendGrid example

class SendGridProvider extends Kirby\Email\Email
    public function send(): bool
        $sendgrid = new SendGrid("SENDGRID_APIKEY");
        $email    = new SendGrid\Email();


        return $sendgrid->send($email);

Kirby::plugin('my/sendgrid', [
    'components' => [
        'email' => function ($kirby, $props, $debug) {
            return new SendGridProvider($props, $debug);

Mailgun Example

class MailgunProvider extends Kirby\Email\Email
    public function send(): bool
        $mg = Mailgun\Mailgun::create('key-example'); // For US servers
        $mg = Mailgun\Mailgun::create('key-example', ''); // For EU servers

        return $mg->messages()->send('', [
          'from'    => $this->from(),
          'to'      => current(array_keys($this->to())),
          'subject' => $this->subject(),
          'text'    => $this->body()->text()

Kirby::plugin('my/mailgun', [
    'components' => [
        'email' => function ($kirby, $props, $debug) {
            return new MailgunProvider($props, $debug);


Name Type Default
$kirby * Kirby\Cms\App
$props array [ ]
$debug bool false