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Kirby 4.6.1


Decode the response content

$remote->json(bool $array = true): stdClass|array|null


Name Type Default Description
$array bool true decode as array or object

Return type


Parent class



If the respons content is a JSON response, you can use the $remote->json() method to covert the content to an array or object.

In this example, we get list of UK holidays from a freely accessible API and convert the JSON response to an array:

$response = Remote::get('');

if ($response->code() === 200):
    $data = $response->json();

    foreach ($data as $item): ?>
        <h2><?= $item['division'] ?></h2>
                <?php foreach ($item['events'] as $holiday): ?>
              <li><?= $holiday['title'] . ' is on ' . $holiday['date'] ?></li>
                <?php endforeach ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>

If you prefer to work with an object instead of an array, set the $array parameter to false. Here we get a list of historical US newspapers:

$response = Remote::get('');

if ($response->code() === 200):
    $data = $response->json(false); ?>

        <?php foreach ($data->newspapers as $newspaper): ?>
        <li><?= $newspaper->title ?></li>
        <?php endforeach ?>

<?php endif ?>