Episode 65
Here we are again after a little break caused by the transfer to our new team company: The Content Folder GmbH & Co. KG. 100% self-funded and owned by the team. If you missed it, or haven't moved your licenses yet, check your emails or just head over to our website to learn more.
Kirby 3.6.3
Kirby 3.6.3 comes with some bug fixes, but as always, we managed to sneak in a few nice enhancements, like our new base URL setup, improved ImageMagick performance, an improved table block preview and more.
Kirby in the wild

Kirby plugins
The list of new plugins this time is rather long, and this selection is far from complete. A huge shout-out to all plugin devs.
Kirby Charts is a wrapper around SVGGraph: create SVG Graphs with almost no limits.
The Conditional Blocks plugin disables blocks in layout fields when the column width does not match the block requirements.
Translation status provides an overview of the current translation status of your pages in a multi-language setup via an info section.
Apply micro-typographic rules to texts with the Kirby Typographer
The Punctuation section is a nice little helper, from which clients can quickly copy commonly used characters to the clipboard and insert into their texts.
The Move Pages plugin provides a feature many of you might have been missing: let clients move pages between allowed parent pages.
With the MapNotator plugin, you can annotate maps and generate GeoJSON in Kirby by drawing markers, paths, and shapes.
Learn how to implement frontend user-registration in your Kirby project by leveraging Kirby's authentication features.
Would you like to create nice preview images for your download section of PDF files on the fly? Then check out our recipe.
If you ever need to translate exception messages on the frontend, our quick tip recipe has you covered.
A new newsletter service
This is our first Kosmos issue going out to all the subscribers who migrated their subscription to our new company. Thank you so much for your support! We used this chance for a fresh start and moved from
Campaign Monitor to Newstroll. Newstroll is a more privacy-friendly newsletter service from Germany. They offer far more control over tracking combined with EU-based hosting. We are really happy so far, but let us know if you discover any issues with our emails: support@getkirby.com [mailto:support@getkirby.com)
Locomotive Scroll provides smooth scrolling with support for parallax effects, toggling classes, and triggering event listeners when elements are in the
Responsive images are a topic that comes up regularly. Not only should they look great on any device, but also load fast and transfer no more data than necessary. The use-case article Big Images, blazingly fast looks into the limitations of srcset
and sizes
and alternatives.
fluxx is an SVG generator for creating fluid blurred gradient backgrounds.
jless is a command-line JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data.
With a recent court ruling saying that website owners who embed Google fonts are violating GDPR, it becomes a must to self-host those fonts. The google-webfonts helper makes abiding by the law real easy, and you gain control over your fonts .
This & that
Apache ECharts: An Open Source JavaScript Visualization Library that supports an impressive amount of data viz types.
php-svg is a library for generating, modifying or transforming vector graphics in PHP.
shellfirm will intercept any risky patterns in your terminal with a small challenge that will double-check if you really want to execute your action.
With action-validator you can lint your GitHub action YAML files for any errors before pushing them to GitHub.
Easily keep track of the EOL dates of different products on endoflife.date .