🚚 How to migrate to Kirby Tips & tutorials
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Episode 64

10 Jan 2022

Kirby's 10th anniversary

Kirby is 10! 🎉 The very first version of Kirby was released on January 09, 2012. See what has happened since then in our storyline.

How did you get to know Kirby and when, what was your first ever Kirby project, why have you chosen Kirby? Share your memories in our #10 Discord channel.

Kirby in the wild



Alan Woo wrote a new recipe about Git-based deployment with Dokku, something I always wanted to try out and never got round to. With this recipe, you get up and running in no time.

Blueprints for Panel forms are usually static YAML files. While this is totally fine for most use cases, there are some situations where you might wish there was a more dynamic way of creating blueprints. And there is: Learn how to create dynamic blueprints for different use cases with our new recipe.

Kirby Plugins

Kirby Whenquery: decide when to show fields and sections, like the when field option, but with much more power.

Kirby ddupload replaces the standard image block preview to allow you to directly upload images by dragging & dropping them on the block preview.

Extended Writer supercharges Kirby's built-in Writer field and block with useful marks, nodes and features.

Kirby Writer Notes adds custom nodes for Kirby's writer field – quote node included!

The Multi-toggle field provides a more compact and visually appealing UI than radio buttons, especially for settings like text alignment etc.

Note that we do not test plugins we list here. Therefore, always test third-party plugins thoroughly before using them in production.

Kirby tutorials

Maurice Renck wrote an article about creating automatic social media share images (only available in German, but automatic translators should do the job for all other languages).


Move code between repositories with Copybara. Useful when source code needs to exist in multiple repositories, e.g. a public and a private repo and kept in sync.

DevUtils is a paid Mac app that provides useful developer tools for everyday tasks like converting, generating or validating stuff.

Fast Node Manager (fnm) lets you easily switch between Node.js versions. Faster than NVM and cross-platform.

Shottr is a (currently) free Screenshot app for Mac that lets you pixelate or remove objects, annotate, create full screen screenshots etc.


Defensive CSS is a collection of snippets intended to help you write CSS that avoids certain CSS issue or behaviors.

Lit is a library for building fast, lightweight web components.


The PHPUnit Watcher automatically reruns PHPUnit tests when your source code changes. If you are interested to learn how you can integrate PHPUnit testing in your plugins, reminder that there is a cookbook recipe for that.

List of static analysis and code style tools for PHP.

Date and time in PHP can be frustrating at times. Arjuna Sky Kok wrote an extensive tutorial about creating, fetching, formatting and localizing dates in PHP.


Meryl Evans has written a guide about video captioning, why it matters, how to do it, and 10 best practice rules.

This & That

Colima provides container runtimes for macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup. Supports Docker and Containerd.

The story of the Internet Archive and the problems it's facing.

Line length revisited: following the research provides an in-depth exploration on typography and reading experience, that challenges common teachings about the ideal text line length.