Our new team company
Bastian Allgeier -
Sonja Broda -
Lukas Bestle -
Nico Hoffmann -
Ahmet Bora
Kirby started in 2012 as a side project by Bastian. Over the years, the team grew from within the community. Sonja, Lukas, Nico and Ahmet basically hired themselves, by just being invaluable members. Together, we moved Kirby forward significantly.
The next step became obvious. Today, we replace the Bastian Allgeier GmbH with our new
While technically nothing changes for you, we want to get this step right. We ask you to migrate your data to our new company and to accept our revised license agreement.
We want to be as transparent as possible. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Thank you for being with us,
Your Kirby team
Frequently asked questions
What kind of personal data do you store?
We store your email address, license keys and registered domains on our license server. We also have access to your invoice data from Paddle and your forum account on Discourse if you are registered there. For newsletter subscribers we store the email address and optional name at our email provider (previously CampaignMonitor, for new and confirmed subscriptions Newstroll).
You can read more in our privacy policy.
What has changed in the license agreement and why?
We based the changes to our license agreement (EULA) on feedback we received in the last months. Our goal is to give you and your clients more legal certainty. Nothing changes in practice for paid licenses, but now your rights are written in black and white. At the same time we have clarified ambiguous parts of the EULA.
Reading changes to legal documents like our EULA can be daunting. We want to make the revised EULA and its changes as approachable as possible. So we have prepared the following resources for you:
- You can read a summary of the changes.
- You can view the full set of changes as a diff.
- And if you are into that sort of thing, you can also read the full license text. :)
What happens if I don't agree to migrate my data?
If you don‘t agree to transfer your data, you will stay a customer of the Bastian Allgeier GmbH for now. We won't be able to provide full support for your licenses going forward.
What happens if I don't agree to the revised license agreement?
If you don‘t agree to the revised license terms, the previous terms will still be valid for your licenses. You can agree to the new terms and transfer your licenses to the new company at any time.
What happens if I don't agree to keep my newsletter subscription?
If you don't agree to keep your newsletter subscription you will not receive our Kosmos newsletter in the future. We have unsubscribed all previous subscribers.
What is your new company name about?
The content folder is the place where all content is stored in Kirby. It’s the database, the heart and soul of every project. Without your content, Kirby and our work would be meaningless. It seemed like a very good fit for our name.
GmbH & Co. KG is our company form. It translates to: limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner. It offers a very flexible and robust foundation for our future.
The limited liability company is the Content Folder Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. (Translation: Content Folder Administration Company With Limited Liability) – no pun intended.
Germans like to be complicated sometimes. But we really love our new name and we hope you like it too.
Fun fact: it does not fit on our company credit card.