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Kirby 5


Preview your changes

A whole new editing experience

Kirby 5 redefines collaboration with powerful new preview and change-tracking tools. Editors can now see fully rendered previews of content changes before saving, even if the changes were made by another user. Sharing the preview links with their team or externals for instant feedback is a breeze.

The new preview view offers side-by-side comparisons or full-width previews of unsaved changes vs. published content. Now, it's easy to track all edits shared with the whole team through the “Changes” dialog. All enabled by storing changes directly on the server instead of your local browser.

Plus, the enhanced form controls dropdown provides status updates, including when content is locked by another editor, keeping everyone on the same page.

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A screenshot of the info dropdown for unsaved changes, showing the current editor, modification timestamp and a preview button
A screenshot of the changes dialog with all unsaved pages, files and accounts
  • content
    • 1_reflections-on-humanity
      • _changes
        • note.txt
        • photo.jpg.txt
      • note.txt
      • photo.jpg
      • photo.jpg.txt
    • 2_portfolio
      • projects.txt

Dark mode

Turn off the Panel lights

A screenshot of a Panel page overview in the new dark theme
A screenshot of a Panel page form in the new dark theme

Kirby 5 introduces a dark theme for the Panel, designed for comfort in any lighting. Whether you're working late or prefer a darker interface, the new theme reduces eye strain and improves accessibility for users with visual impairments. You can switch between light and dark themes to suit your environment, all while enjoying the same powerful tools in a refined, modern look.

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A screenshot of the theme dropdown in the user settings showing options for lights on, lights off and match system default

Entries field

When one just isn't enough

The Entries field allows you to create and manage multiple entries for the same field. It is a powerful tool for creating and managing content in a structured way.

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The new entries field allows you to create and manage multiple entries for the same field type
  type: entries
  min: 2
  max: 4
  required: true
    type: select
      design: Design
      architecture: Architecture
      photography: Photography
      3d: 3D
      web: Web

Batch delete

for pages and files sections

When managing many pages or files, it can be tedious to delete them one by one. Now you can select multiple pages or files and delete them at once.

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A screenshot of the fields section. Batch selection mode has been activated and multiple files are selected. A delete button at the top can delete all the selected files at once.
  type: files
  layout: cards
  batch: true

Panel file previews

See your files at a glance

No more guessing games—Kirby 5 introduces custom file previews in the Panel. Configure previews for your unique file formats, from key documents to 3D objects, so editors always know what they’re working with.

Plus, built-in previews for video, audio and PDF files come ready to use.

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class CsvFilePreview extends FilePreview
    public function __construct(
        public File $file,
        public string $component = 'k-csv-file-preview'
    ) {

    public static function accepts(File $file): bool
        return $file->extension() === 'csv';

Chunked uploads

Moving the mountain, pebble by pebble

Handling large files just got easier in Kirby 5. With chunked uploads, big files are split into smaller pieces and uploaded step by step. Whether it's high-resolution media or other large assets, this feature ensures smoother uploads, even with hefty files.

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Panel view buttons

Customization at your fingertips

Kirby 5 gives developers more control with custom view buttons in the Panel. Add tailored options alongside defaults like preview and settings, and improve workflows for pages, files, users, and more.

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A screenshot of a Panel header with custom view buttons labelled Analytics and Promote
  preview: true
    icon: chart
    text: Analytics
    link: "https://stats.io/{{ page.uuid.id }}"
    theme: aqua-icon
  promote: true
  status: true
'panel' => [
  'viewButtons' => [
    'page' => [
      'promote'  => [
        'icon'   => 'megaphone',
        'text'   => 'Promote',
        'theme'  => 'purple-icon',
        'dialog' => 'publish/social/{{ page.id }}'

Plugin licenses

Your custom license in the Panel

Kirby 5 empowers plugin developers to better manage and display their licenses. Add custom license details, link to your license shop or even implement full license validation—everything is integrated into the plugins table for seamless handling.

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  name: 'plugin-factory/plugin-a',
  extends: [...],
  license: [
    'name'   => 'Custom license',
    'link'   => 'https://mylicenseshop.com',
    'status' => 'active',
A screenshot of the plugin table in the system view with different license states such as custom proprietary license, demo, pay to activate and expired

PHP 8.4

As PHP evolves, so do we

And so much more

Details that deliver

Curious about all enhancements, fixes and breaking changes?

Get started

Kirby 5 is a free upgrade for everyone with a valid Kirby Basic or Enterprise license.

Migration from previous versions

Kirby 5 is a major release and might require some changes to existing sites. To ease the transition, we have compiled everything you need to know in a handy guide:

Coming soon

If you are not updating directly from Kirby 4.x but an older version, please first perform each major update step by step. Please refer to the changelogs of Kirby 3.5, Kirby 3.6, Kirby 3.7, Kirby 3.8, Kirby 3.9 and Kirby 4.0 for details.