Episode 31
Originally published via email on February 1, 2019.
After our successful release of Kirby 3 on January 15, we are now happily back on track with our regular Kosmos schedule 😊.
For all of you who missed it, here are some important Kirby 3 links for you:
- All of Kirby 3's shiny new features at a glance
- All you want to know about Kirby 2 and 3 in a nutshell, also called the FAQ
- With over 850 upvotes we were #1 on Product Hunt
- Upgrading from K2 to K3? The guide.
- Find and upgrade your old licenses
Important: For everyone who is still working on a Kirby 2 project and hasn't got a license yet, you can buy Kirby 2 Pro licenses until March 15, 2019.
More Kirby 3
- Kirby 3.0.1 will be released on Tuesday, February 5th, with many small bug fixes.
- Our users have already translated Kirby 3 into 23 languages, which will be in the next release. A huge thank you to everyone involved.
- Our new Kirby 3 roadmap will keep you informed about our release schedule and plans for the coming months.
- You can add new feature wishes (or upvote your favorite ideas) to our ideas repo.
Kirby in the Wild

Kirby Plugins
Blanko GmbH ported their Git (GCAPC) plugin to Kirby 3. It commits and pushes changes made via the Panel in the content folder to a remote repo.
While Kirby comes with its own database class, if you are looking for something more powerful, the Kirby DB plugin adds support for the Illuminate\Database class.
The Kirby 3 Markdown Editor is a beautiful community built textarea field with visual cues and enhanced markdown features.
Find all plugins in the Kirby plugins repo. As a plugin dev, don't forget to add your plugin to the list.
Always test third-party plugins thoroughly before using them in production.
Kirby Themes
- I counted 13 themes newly created or updated for Kirby 3 on https://getkirby-themes.com. Check them out and expect more to come soon.
- JavaScript for impatient programmers targets newcomers to JavaScript and intends to get them up and running with a focus on modern features.
- The article Bandwidth or Latency: When to Optimise for Which shares a DevTools tip to work out which of those two options would benefit performance more.
Chris Coyier explores if there are ways to create typical masonry layouts with CSS only.
Roman Komarov on how he reimplemented his blog with CSS grid.
- The Australian Government Design System provides components, templates, and more to help designers build government products.
Palette App is a nicely made color palette tool with a focus on UI Design where you only need a few basic colors.
The Snippet generator helps you create snippets for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text or Atom.
Uptimerobot and HetrixTools notify you when your website or service is down. Both come with a free tier.
This & That
The Web Authentication API promises strong password-less authentication with public key cryptography. The WebAuthn guide has a short intro to get started.