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Episode 29

02 Nov 2018

Originally published via email on November 2, 2018.

The previews for the new Kirby website look really promising and a large part of the documentation is done. One of the highlights is the new contributors section with all the wonderful people who have supported Kirby 3 during development. If you are a supporter and have missed the call to action, you'll find the link to submit your details in the supporters' Slack channel.

Last call: There are still a few seats left for the next Kirby 3 Workshop on Monday, November 5, 2018 in Berlin.

Kirby in the Wild

Restless Beings

Kirby Plugins

Our developers have been busy again and created shiny new plugins for the upcoming Kirby 3 version. Here is a selection:

Many more are already available. Check them out in the Kirby plugins repo and filter by Kirby 3.

Always test third party plugins thoroughly before using them in production.


  • As its name suggests, JavaScript Visualizer is a tool for visualizing how your JavaScript code is interpreted (Execution Context, Hoisting, Closures, and Scopes).

  • The Project Guidelines repo contains a wealth of useful tips for handling (not only) JavaScript projects and the reasons why these should be applied – from using Git over documentation to licensing.


  • In On Switching from HEX & RGB to HSL, Sara Soueidan explains why she made the switch to the HSL format.

  • Stefan Zweifel explains how to support Mojave Dark Mode in web apps.

  • Contraste is a nicely made Mac app that checks the accessibility of text colors according to WCAG guidelines. Free, requires macOS High Sierra or newer.

  • While color contrast is an important factor when designing a website, more consideration is required to make a website accessible. Richard Stach has tips for designing with color blind people in mind.



  • CSS Scan for Chrome and Firefox lets you instantly inspect elements on a website and copy the computed styles to clipboard. Pricing: Pay what you think fair.

  • Siteaudit is a configurable command line tool that analyses your site and generates reports for Pagespeed, Lighthouse and A11y.

Programming (PHP etc.)

  • Looking to improve your programming skills? Courseroot has a list of free and paid courses on all sorts of subjects from beginner to expert.


  • Improve your website's security with Mozilla's Laboratory, an experimental Firefox add-on that helps you to create Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.

This & That​

  • In his blog article Declaration, Jeremy Keith points out the advantages of having the choice between declarative and imperative options when coding for the web.

  • A List Apart has started a four-part series called "From URL to Interactive". The first article covers the server-to-client side, while the second one explores how HTML tags are transformed into the DOM and what we finally see when visiting a website. The other two are yet to come.

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