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Episode 10

07 Apr 2017

Before Sonja left for her well-deserved holidays, she prepared a new set of super interesting and helpful links for our 10th Kosmos issue. What a great chance to send back a heartfelt "thank you" for the her work during the last ten months!

Let us put on some virtual sunglasses and sit back on a deck chair to enjoy our 10th "monthiversary" …

Powered by Kirby

It's always inspiring to see what others are creating with Kirby. This month’s picks are again very different and very unique:

Marika Marte
Interior Design

Tech Magazine

Eduard Warkentin
Interaction designer

Fresh Kirby Plugins

The Kirby community has been very busy creating new and updating existing plugins. Here are a few you might be interested in.

  • The final release of Fabian Michael's ImageSet plugin is now available. It makes it easy to implement lazy loading and responsive images.
  • Pedro Borges' Blade template component allows you to use the Laravel Blade templating engine with Kirby.
  • Render styled maps on your site with Bruno Meilick's Styled Google Maps plugin which can be used together with August Miller's Map field. Or show Instagram images using Bruno's Kirby Instagram API plugin.
  • The Kirby Keyword Map plugin highlights predefined keywords in a text area field to help you with optimizing your texts for search engines. Created by Jens Törnell.
  • Oembed is now Embed: Nico Hoffmann's plugin for embedding media from various sources like YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Twitter etc. has been freshly updated. Also updated: the customizable Panel bar plugin which gives users access to many administrative functions from the frontend.
  • Querying options from a structure field is a requirement people often ask for. Now there is a plugin for that: Select a structure by Caleb Grove.
  • If you have to access blueprint data, you now have the choice between two plugins: Blueprint Reader by Jens Törnell and [Kirby Architect](https://github.com/AugustMiller/kirby-architect] by August Miller. Not sure which to choose? Check out the feature comparison.

Kirby Cookbook

The new cookbook recipe on Multi-language secrets looks into some more advanced multi-language Kirby settings. Next up: Grouping and sorting. Stay tuned.

Snipcart Tutorial

The people at Snipcart have updated their Kirby integration tutorial. A little demo site is also available.


HTTPS becomes more and more important and should be used on most sites. Beyond that there are a few important HTTP Security headers you should consider to improve your site's security.

Inclusive Design

  • It's pretty easy to dismiss the needs of other people when designing websites and other interfaces. Inclusive Design is about fixing that, not only for people with disabilities but also for people in rural areas, people that aren't used to computers and people with old devices. Smashing Magazine wrote about this in two articles. There is also a new blog about designing inclusive components.


  • CSS grids are now supported by more and more browsers, but to use grids in production, you need fallbacks for older browsers. Rachel Andrews has some suggestions.


  • UnCSS helps you to get rid of unused styles even across multiple files.
  • Our friends at fournova, the company behind the Git client Tower for macOS and Windows, just published a free guide on optimizing your websites. We think it's a great overview on the topic.