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Episode 57

11 Jun 2021

Summer is approaching fast, more and more people are getting their vaccination and the infection rates are finally dropping. If we are lucky and stay cautious, I really hope for all of us that our lives will return to some degree of normality.

Meanwhile, in the Kirbyverse: We are working hard on Kirby 3.6 and new features, and our fantastic community has surpassed itself. So this issue is packed with new plugins, new articles and recipes, a video from the show with Georg Obermayr… But sit back and read for yourself...

Kirby 3.5.6

On Tuesday we released Kirby 3.5.6 with new helper methods, updated translations and fixes for bugs reported by our community. Thanks to everyone who participated with translations, issue reports and pull requests!

Kirby in the wild 1

Websites created with Kirby out in the wild are always a great source of inspiration and show that with its flexibility and extensibility, there are hardly any limits to what you can create with Kirby.

Charin. Empowering the next level of e-mobility

Kirby in the wild 2: Content first at LOWA

On June 2nd, Georg Obermayr allowed us a look behind the scenes at a major Kirby project with a fascinating setup. If you missed the show, you can now (re-)watch the video on YouTube or the Kirby Hub on Vito.

Plugins & Kits

Keep track of content changes and switch between different versions from the Kirby 3 Panel with Kirby Versions.

Load routes from site/routes and annotate metadata with PHP 8 attributes. No more business logic in your config files.

The Kirby Fields block preview plugin does not really provide a typical preview but rather renders the individual block fields, allowing for direct inline editing.

Disable Google's FLoC tracking for your website's visitors by adding a 'Permissions-Policy' HTTP header using the Kirby FloC Off plugin.

With the Kirby Upload Extended plugin you can resize, compress or rename files on upload.

Alfred Kirby Search provides a fast way of searching Kirby's docs with an Alfred workflow.

Coming from WordPress and want to export your posts to Kirby? Try out the Haptiq Kirby Exporter.

Articles & case studies

Tobias Möritz shares insights into the relaunch of the optimise-it website with Kirby. The website makes heavy use of Kirby's layout and blocks fields. Check out the awesome screenshots of custom blocks created for the site.

Florian Ziegler writes about his experiences with using Kirby for the first time while moving his personal photo blog over from WordPress to Kirby.

Cookbook recipes

A recipe many have been waiting for: Moritz StĂĽckler explains how to create a Nginx configuration file that works with Kirby step-by-step.

Files firewall: Create a download section and protect your files from being accessed by unauthorized visitors. Can be combined with access restrictions to parts of your site.

Christian Fickinger contributed a recipe about how to create nested blocks, using the example of a FAQ section with question/answer blocks.

Did you know you cannot just have virtual pages in a Kirby installation, but also virtual files? Learn how with our new Virtual Files recipe.

Block Factory

A recipe full of example block types like accordions, text boxes, cards, and nested blocks.

Kirby in the wild 3

German Zero


Easily optimize images using PHP (and some binaries) with Spatie's Image Optimizer.


Tutorial: Cross Site Request Forgery – What is a CSRF Attack and How to Prevent It.


Hunor Márton Borbély shares tips how to set up a frontend development project.

Tools & Services

Thunder Client is a VS Code extension that allows you to test REST APIs right from your code editor.

Batect allows you to define your development tasks (building, running, testing, linting and more) in terms of one or more Docker containers, run those tasks quickly and consistently everywhere, and easily share them with your team.

Foam: A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode.

Forks often get outdated pretty quick. With Pull you can keep your forks up-to-date with automated PRs.

SimpleLogin is a service aimed to protect your email by going through an alias.


A look at the target size success criterion for interactive elements in WCAG 2.5.5.

This & That

Sean Boots on strategies to avoid vendor-lock-in and why this is important.

Flat Data is an experiment that explores how to work with datasets in git repositories on GitHub and versioning them.

Notion, the notes & collaboration tool, now got an API (currently in beta), which allows you to integrate your Notion data in other tools (e.g. Virtual pages in Kirby).

JavaScript Notes for beginners from Wes Bos.

Sara Soueidan shares tips for optimizing content for reader mode and reading apps.