Episode 46
Behind the scenes of the Kirbyverse, a lot of interesting stuff is happening. Not only is the development of Kirby 3.4 taking shape, there's also things in the pipeline that will make extending Kirby easier and more fun. But enough mouth-watering, let's see what's happened in the last few weeks…
Kirby in the wild 1
Websites created with Kirby out in the wild are always a great source of inspiration and show that with its flexibility and extensibility there are hardly any limits to what you can create with Kirby.

Kirby tip of the month
Last month, we already mentioned page models as a powerful way to override Kirby's native page methods. Overriding the isReadable()
method in a model gives you additional superpowers for restricting page access to user roles or even individual users.
Kirby plugins
I'm often surprised to find plugins for Kirby that are never officially announced anywhere.
Kirby 3 Commentions is a versatile comment system and integrated Webmention endpoint for Kirby 3. You can read more about it in Sebstian's and Fabian's articles.
Quickly add a new page to a predefined parent directly from the dashboard with Kirby Quick Add.
Use VCards for Kirby to easily generate VCards for your contact profiles.
Trigger deploy hooks of a static site with Vercel directly from the Kirby Panel.
Coming from WordPress?
Convert exported WordPress data to a file based Kirby structure with WordPress XML to Kirby.
Convert and transform WordPress WXR RSS export files into a new Kirby 3 site with WxrKirby.
Always test third-party plugins thoroughly before using them in production. Note that we do not test plugins we list here.
Kirby Themes
Themes for Kirby is a collection of currently six themes for Kirby. Single theme or bulk pricing available.
Theme 512 is a multi-purpose theme for Kirby which integrates Kirby's Editor plugin for a beautiful editing experience.
Kirby in the wild 2

Kirby Cookbook
Add anchors and a Table of Contents to your Kirby pages with a little help from our brand-new Of anchors and ToCs, part 1 recipe.
Great stuff: Learn how to set up a plugin workflow that allows you to both develop and test your plugin from the same Git repository with Hristiyan Dodov's recipe.
Other Kirby stuff
If you want to use Kirby with Caddy 2, here is a Caddy v2 file from Russ to get you going.
Simon Collison uses Kirby and the Locator plugin to geo-tag his blog posts.
Play with Docker is a training classroom that provides a mix of hands-on tutorials right in the browser, instructions on setting up and using Docker in your own environment, and resources about best practices for developing and deploying your own applications.
For your first steps with Kirby and Docker, you could play with this Docker-Kirby Starterkit.
Pest is a testing framework for PHP based on and compatible with PHPUnit, that claims to focus on simplicity.
Repman allows you to add and manage private PHP Composer dependencies in the cloud or behind your firewall. Can be self-hosted.
If you are into Tailwind CSS, the Tailblocks project with ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks might be worth checking out.
Sara Soueidan wrote a new article about using CSS variables globally and on a component base.
This & That
Frappe Books is a free, open-source accounting software for freelancers and small businesses. Available for macOS, Linux and Windows.
If you have problems with the usual terminal-based editors like vim, nano or joe, you might like to give micro a try, an editor with many interesting features and full mouse support.
Isso is commenting server written in Python that allows anonymous comments, maintains identity and is–so they say–simple to administrate.
Carl Tashian shares some SSH tips and tricks for using SSH more safely and effectively.
It is probably not because we don't know any better, but in everyday life we keep forgetting the curse of knowledge that causes frustration in readers, participants, listeners etc. My daily work in the forum is very much influenced by the fact that I often do not know what I can take for granted in terms of knowledge and inadvertently turning people away. On the other hand, people asking for advice often assume we have a magic crystal ball through which we clearly see every problem… 😉.