🚚 How to migrate to Kirby Tips & tutorials
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Episode 38

06 Sep 2019

On Tuesday we released Kirby 3.2.4 with a pretty impressive list of fixes and improvements. We will have another minor release before the next feature release 3.3.

New Kirby Workshops

Bastian will run a full-day Kirby workshop in Berlin on November 13, 2019 during the beyond tellerrand conference. It will cover everything from starting your project structure to building your own plugins. A Kirby 3 license is included in the workshop price.

A Kirby Beginner Workshop will take place on January 22, 2020 in Nottingham, UK during the New Adventures Conference. More infos will be available starting today at 14:00 CEST on their website(https://newadventuresconf.com).

Would be great to meet you on one of these occasions.

Kirby in the Wild

Vega Studio

Kirby Plugins

Kirby Terminal is a plugin that allows you to run scripts right from the Panel and monitor their output. Check out the documentation and example scripts to get a better understanding of what the plugin can do for you.

With the Kirby Plurals plugin you can use language variables to translate a string according to the language's plural forms defined in the Unicode CLDR.

The Retrotree plugin provides a custom pages section that displays pages in retro tree fashion.

If you need a JSON editor to use in your panel view plugin, you can use the Kirby JSON plugin. It also provides a JSON field for use in your blueprints.

Serve your images via Imgix (paid service) with the Kirby Imgix plugin.

The Timeline editor block is a plugin for Kirby's new "WYSIWYG" Editor plugin and allows creating timelines right in the Editor.

And just in time for this Kosmos issue and probably long-awaited: Kirby Embed, an embed field that displays embeds from various media sites.

And another one: The Kirby Entity field allows you to create groups of fields, like a Structure field with a single entry. It comes with its own field method for rendering the field's content in your templates.

Wow, that's a long list! Thanks to each and every one of you for creating these great plugins.

Always test third-party plugins thoroughly before using them in production.

Vue Starterkit

The Kirby Vue Starterkit is a proof-of-concept of using Kirby as a headless CMS in the backend and Vue.js as a UI library on the frontend.

Kirby Tips & Tricks

If you dump() a collection of pages, files, structure objects etc., you only get an array of keys which is often not very useful for inspecting your results. The toArray() method converts your collection to an array and thus provides much more useful information.


$collection = $page->children()->template('article');



Andy Clark shares this StarWars-based CSS specificity graphic, which you can download, print and stick to your wall.


Learn how to dynamically change the colors of product images with this tutorial by Kyle Wetton.

Better web typography for a better web is a free course for web designers and developers.

The Test Automation University offers a wealth of free courses all about test automation.


Microsoft launched a new tool called Accessibility Insights that is available as an extension for Chrome and Microsoft Edge Insider and as a stand-alone Windows app.


Automerge​ is a network agnostic JSON-like data structure library for building collaborative applications in JavaScript.

This & That

Prevent tracking and enhance your privacy with the ClearUrls Firefox add-on. It removes the tracking fields from all URLs which are visited by the browser.

The friendly German hosting provider Uberspace, who offer their services on a pay-what-you-want basis, have made their site, docs etc. available in English to care for international clients. They also have a guide how to install Kirby on their servers.

The snippet generator makes it easy to create custom snippets for the VS Code, Sublime Text or Atom editors.

In Don't Play in Google's Privacy Sandbox, Bennet Cyphers looks into the good and bad aspects of Google's technical proposals that are behind their "Privacy Sandbox".

"Building things for your own site is so worthwhile because you are allowed to make mistakes and learn without pressure. If it doesn’t work today, well, maybe it’ll work tomorrow. It doesn’t matter."
(Matthias Ott, Into the Personal-Website-Verse)