Episode 24
Originally published via email on June 8, 2018.
Have you also been stressed during the last few weeks with getting GDPR compliant at the last minute? Hope you have some more quiet and sunny days now and can enjoy our news around Kirby and our industry.
In case you are still struggling or working on new projects, Lukas Bestle has written a short summary of how Kirby processes personal data.
If you have only recently discovered Kirby, I'd like to invite you to our forum. It is the perfect place to ask questions if you get stuck with your Kirby development, and to meet fellow Kirby enthusiasts. Welcome!
Kirby in the Wild

Radical Wireless
Wireless products
Kirby Enhanced
Chopper is a Kirby plugin that creates excerpts preserving your HTML tags. Created by James Steel (beta, free).
The Pug plugin developed by G. Bokiau brings the P(h)ug template engine to Kirby (free). You are invited to help with enhancing and maintaining this plugin.
Always test third party plugins thoroughly before using them in production!
Kirby Themes
More Kirby themes on getkirby-themes.com.
Landing is a Bootstrap-based landing page Kirby theme by Carlos Tur Arrom (commercial).
An enhanced version 2.0 of WebKit's Intelligent Tracking Prevention is coming to Safari browsers later this year that will further reduce cross-site tracking of users via Like or Share buttons.
Embetty allows you to embed content from Twitter or YouTube without compromising privacy.
- Moe Amaya's Cool Backgrounds is an online generator for different kinds and variants of backgrounds you can use to spice up your posts or webpages.
In her article Responsive Tables, Revisited, Lea Verou explores alternative techniques to design responsive tables without duplicating content or CSS.
Do you use z-index values of 999+ because this CSS property has always been a mystery? Veronika Ivhed's article to the rescue.
Responsive Design
- Apple is late to the party, but WebKit is coming to the Apple Watch, and if you'd like to know what to expect and if and how to adapt your designs to make them work on this small screen, check out their video on WebKit on Watch, or read Tim Kadlec's summary.
Cards are a common component on many websites, but it's not that easy to mark them up semantically and in an accessible way. In his latest addition to Inclusive Components, Heydon Pickering examines several possibilities of how to improve card design.
Got your own ideas regarding cards on the web? Take the CodePen June challenge.
- The do's and don'ts of web performance change over time. Here are performance tips for 2018 from more than 15 experts to keep up to date with best practices.
This & That
In The Cult Of The Complex, Jeffrey Zeldman reminds us to try and keep things simple instead of relying on frameworks and dependencies whose possible side effects we don't understand.
UX your life? I'm not quite sure if this article is meant 100% seriously, but it is surely an interesting thought when pondering if you are living the life and career you really want.
Chupadados is a project by Joana Varon, collecting stories of how our smart ubiquitous devices infringe our data privacy.