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Episode 1

01 Jul 2016

In our last newsletter we introduced you to some pretty amazing Kirby community projects. We have decided that we are going to start a monthly newsletter where we collect the most exciting stuff for you in a compact and easy to digest format. This is the first episode of our series called "Kirby Kosmos".

If you want to get Kirby Kosmos delivered to your email inbox monthly, feel free to subscribe!

Kirby Plugins

  • August Miller's Kirby Architect plugin is wishes come true for those of you who have been looking to access blueprint data in your Kirby templates. Go for it.
  • Kirby's new registry introduced in version 2.3 is the heart of the Kirby blog plugin by Moritz Zimmer. All you need to do is drop a single folder into site/plugins and you are ready to fill your blog with life.
  • Flo Kosiol published the Focus plugin, which allows Panel users to graphically define the most important point of an image so that you can crop images without deleting anything important. Very simple but powerful!
  • Sirvy by Jon Gacnik is at your service if you want to create APIs for your Kirby site. Do you need to access your content as JSON? Do you want to create thumbnails dynamically? Do you have a specific use case? The Sirvy plugin can easily be extended.
  • If you care about typography a lot, take a look at the new Kirby-Typography plugin by Kirby team member Fabian Michael. While Kirby has built-in support for the SmartyPants typographer, the plugin features a lot of advanced options to improve your typography.


  • Many Kirby users publish the source code of their Kirby websites on GitHub, which is fantastic for other people using Kirby. Mathieu Etienne has now created a list of Kirby repos. Check them out and add yours. :)

Kirby Tools

  • Firby by Fabian Schenk is a native Android app for Kirby. If your clients don't like to work inside a web browser on their mobile device, this might be worth a look.


  • Have you ever wanted to work for a university? Now you can, because the Strayer University in Washington D.C. is looking for a Senior Web Developer with mandatory Kirby experience. Sounds great!
  • Not in the US? Then maybe Acrontum GmbH in Munich, Germany is a good fit for you. They are also looking for a Web Developer with Kirby experience.


  • Last time we talked about the new search on the Kirby site powered by Algolia and introduced the official Kirby Algolia plugin. Now Algolia have published a new service called Algolia Places, which is great if you need address autocompletion for your web project.
  • If you are looking for a nice and simple HTML5 video player, take a look at Plyr. Looks beautiful and is quite lightweight. There's also a Plyr KirbyTag by Dominik Pschenitschni to easily include Plyr videos into your text fields.


Developer Tools

  • Blisk Browser comes with a ton of inbuilt tools that promise to help you speed up develpment for desktop and mobile. Most notably it features a set of mobile devices side by side with a desktop view. Currently only available for the Windows users amongst you, but Mac and Linux supposed to be released soon. Check it out.

That's it for the first episode of Kirby Kosmos.
We hope you liked it. Feel free to send us feedback in the forum or on (twitter: getkirby text: Twitter).

Sonja & Lukas from the Kirby team